Re: Spool dir

On Sat, 19 Sep 1998, Eskil Heyn Olsen wrote:

> Oy...
> Lets get the spool dir discussion closed. The options are 
> 	/var/spool/gpilot(d)/$USER
> 	~/.gnome/gnome-pilot.d/gpilotd.req (or some other ~/ based)
> I guess there are lots of reasons for one and the other, but I guess the
> security issues are valid for both. Thus I'm content with bowing to
> democracy and choosing the ~/ based.
> So that would narrow it down to, where in ~/ ?

Ok, if you want to do this, probably put the stuff in
~/.gnome/gnome-pilot.d/queues-<gpilotd pid> or something, how does that
sound?  This dir can store the moved files as well as the non-immediate
queued requests.

Manish Vachharajani

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