Re: generating packages from a single file

jet gyve org wrote:

> Hi,
> I think it is good if developers have to manage single
> file to generate packages(rpm, deb, ...).
> With epm, developers generate packages from single input
> file. (See
> How do you think to use epm in this project widely.
> Masatake YAMATO

When building the software packages, RPM and Debian force you to create the
actual directories, copy the files to those directories, and set the
ownerships and
permissions. You essentially are creating a directory for your software that
can be archived in the corresponding package format. To ensure that all file
permissions and
ownerships are correct, you must build the distribution as the root user,
introducing potential security risks and violating many corporate security
policies. It can also
make building distributions difficult when dynamic data such as changing
data files or databases is involved.

Why do I not like the sound of that.  Spreading fud about RPM and DEB,
really nice.  Or is it just outdated.


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