Re: Red Hat packaging (and hello all)

Gregory Leblanc wrote:

> > So, you are in a way exactly right.  I exit 0 from the %prep and %build sections
> > if not doing a full build.  This is assuming you already have done the prep and
> > bulld phases and the source is compiled and ready to be %installed and packaged
> > up.  Since the prep and build are bash scripts running as children of RPM, the
> > exit 0 makes them exit successfully and RPM is none the wiser.  Then RPM will
> > execute the install phase and start packaging everything up.
> Ah-ha!  I see now...  There is a --short-circut option that you can use
> which seems to do something similar.  Are you familiar with that option?
> If so, what does it lack that you need?  Here's a snippit from the rpm
> man page.
>        --short-circuit
>               Skip straight to specified stage (ie, skip all stages
> leading up to the specified stage).  Only valid with  -bc
>               and -bi.

Yes, I am familiar with it, it still doesn't let you actually create an RPM or even an
SRPM though.

> --
> Troll, troll, troll your post
> Gently down the feed
> Merrily, merrily troll along
> A life is what you need...



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