Re: Making application help work for xdg-apps

I think one downside of this approach, compared to exporting the help files (like we do e.g. for search providers) is that at the moment Yelp can search across all the installed help files, if I'm not mistaken.
As far as I understand your solution would work for individual application help, but wouldn't allow for a global search.


On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 1:46 AM, Alexander Larsson <alexander larsson gmail com> wrote:
I've been thinking a bit about this recently. There is really no need
to do anything special, all the files of your installed app is
available to the host system. All you need to know is where your app
is installed (user vs system), and knowing that is really not any kind
of security leak (it will be very guessable anyway). So, we should
just add that info to /run/user/$uid/xdg-app-info and then have the
app spawn the "open uri" portal (when we get one) with a file: uri for
the help.

On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 6:40 AM, Matthias Clasen
<matthias clasen gmail com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just had a brief discussion with Shaun (the yelp maintainer) about
> how to make help work for xdg-apps. I suggested that the easiest way
> to make this would be to export the help files out of the bundle so a
> yelp outside the sandbox can see them. But now I wonder if we even
> need that, at least for a system-installed yelp... did we have a
> written-down plan for this, Alex ?
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