New sdk images

I've updated the gnome-sdk images again. This time I've rebased they
yocto base:

It is now a pure layer above the yocto 1.7 layer, to make it easy to
rebase as yocto does security fixes. (Also, it rebases to the latest
versions of these yocto 1.7 branches.)

Its also bumped a bunch of things, having llvm 3.6, mesa 10.5.0 and
later gnome 3.16 snapshots. I've also added a bunch of more fonts as
well as tweaked the fontconfig setup to make it easier to ship fonts in
an app. I've also added libappstream-glib to the gnome sdk, as a bunch
of apps required it to build.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       alexl redhat com            alexander larsson gmail com 
He's a scarfaced white trash werewolf on a search for his missing sister. 
She's a vivacious gypsy archaeologist from a different time and place. 
They fight crime! 

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