Re: New gnome-sdk images with gnome-builder app bundle

hi Cosimo;

On 15 January 2015 at 09:58, Cosimo Cecchi <cosimoc gnome org> wrote:

It's of course better to start small and then expand rather than the
opposite, but without getting into the specifics too much, the example of
Telepathy is something I would include in the platform, since from the
client perspective it's convenient to have one contact store managed by the
OS and one defined API to access it; it also makes it possible to have a
"contacts" kind of permission in the sandbox.

Telepathy as an API to ship in the SDK is mostly fine, though it still
depends on dbus-glib which means additional terrible dependencies in
the SDK.

we should really start prototyping the actual contacts "portal" API, though.

With regards to python, I tend to agree with you on where the line should be
drawn, even though I am not an expert on the details of its standard
library; in general I think it would be an interesting exercise to put
together a minimal build with whatever is necessary to get pygobject

another argument to keep the Python dependency list small is that for
every piece of software we include in the GNOME platform we get to be
responsible for security updates.

we can easily control what we create, and rely on a bunch of other
projects for lower levels of the stack, but taking on the whole of
Python's standard library may require far too many resources, unless
we choose a suitably well-maintained, slow-moving subset, which would
imply python2 instead of python3.


[ ] ebassi [ gmail com]

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