Re: App image experiments

On Mon, 2013-02-25 at 17:18 +0100, Alexander Larsson wrote:
Given that we don't currently have any union fs upstream the only way
we can do this currently is to use bind mounts. So, I've written a
small app to test this. It takes a directory with the base os and
a set of squashfs images, then it clones to get a new namespace
where it mounts a tmpfs. Inside it we mount loopback mount the images
and create a directory "root" where we build up the merged structure.

Any dir/file just in one of the sources gets bind-mounted in, but
if any directory is in multiple sources we create it on the tmpfs and
merge in the the children recursively.

Looks like overlayfs is getting merged for 3.10:

Yowzers! 5000 bind mounts! But i can run gtk3-demo and it works.

This is likely going to be more efficient (and less resource intensive)
than bind-mounting 5k mounts :)


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