Re: Keep the world building - Best practices


On 20 September 2012 15:47, Xan Lopez <xan gnome org> wrote:
> Hi,
> one of the things we discussed during the GUADEC BoF was that having
> build bots is not enough. People need to pay attention to them, and
> there needs to be a well defined set of rules that tell everyone what
> happens when something breaks. The bots are advancing nicely, but we
> haven't done much to define those rules. One set of Action Points we
> had was that it would be interesting to write down the guidelines
> projects we are familiar with use, the two specific examples being
> WebKit and Mozilla. So to get this ball moving, a reminder:
> AP: Xan to write to the list a summary of WebKit's "keep the bots
> green" practices. (That's me!)
> AP: Emmanuelle to write to the list a summary of Mozilla's "keep the
> bots green" practices.
> I'll get started with this today, hope to send it to the list during the week.

during the BoF I wrote down the details of the repository and build
layout we use at Moz:

Mozilla has a fairly well defined process for the build process. The
mozilla code is split into three main branches (in separate

 * mozilla-try: the try server, which is only used for testing
patches; committers need level 1 access to push to the try server;
 * mozilla-inbound: the integration branch, which is used to merge
various patches; committers need level 2 access to push to
 * mozilla-central: the branch used to generate releases; committers
need level 3 access to push to mozilla-central.

Build failures can only happen on mozilla-try (for obvious reasons)
and on mozilla-inbound; build sheriffs have the power to block
mozilla-inbound until the build failures are resolved, as well as
reverting the offending commit(s). The mozilla-inbound branch is
merged into mozilla-central only by build sheriffs, and only if the
build is successful and the test suite remains green.

More information is available on the Mozilla wiki:


one thing I haven't written there is that build sheriffs are
geographically distributed, so as not to overwhelm them and avoid
timezone bottlenecks.



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