Keep the world building - Best practices


one of the things we discussed during the GUADEC BoF was that having
build bots is not enough. People need to pay attention to them, and
there needs to be a well defined set of rules that tell everyone what
happens when something breaks. The bots are advancing nicely, but we
haven't done much to define those rules. One set of Action Points we
had was that it would be interesting to write down the guidelines
projects we are familiar with use, the two specific examples being
WebKit and Mozilla. So to get this ball moving, a reminder:

AP: Xan to write to the list a summary of WebKit's "keep the bots
green" practices. (That's me!)
AP: Emmanuelle to write to the list a summary of Mozilla's "keep the
bots green" practices.

I'll get started with this today, hope to send it to the list during the week.


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