Re: Application bundles in Gnome OS

On Wed, 2012-09-19 at 17:17 +0300, Elad Alfassa wrote:
> Regarding sandboxing, have you considered a permission manifest for
> each application like Android has?

The Android permission system is basically bullshit from both a
technical *and* user experience standpoint.

The reason it's bullshit technically is twofold:

1) Applications can communicate with each other without any permissions
   at all - so if for example you install some "Secure Notes" app that
   in theory doesn't have Internet access, in reality it can simply 
   ask the browser to open
2) The system has a huge attack surface, and it's really easy for   
   capabilities to leak:

The reason it's bullshit from a user experience standpoint is because no
one reads that stuff - they just press OK.

See also:

Now parts of the security model like how each application is in theory a
separate security domain (allocated separate uids) etc., is quite

But the permissions system is just wasting time for users installing

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