Re: Application bundles in Gnome OS

On Wed, 2012-09-19 at 12:40 +0200, Alexander Larsson wrote:

> Additionally, when you talk about the SDK you mean a given set of
> libraries and core services we consider "stable forever" that everything
> can rely on. The question then is, whats in this set? I brought up this
> in the initial main in this thread. It clearly has libc and libX11, but
> does it have Gtk 3? 

It's not clear to me it has libX11 - or at least, while we may ship it,
it may become useless.  One of the major motivators for GTK3 was to
prepare for an X-less future.

I suppose though, realistically, for the forseeable future we'll need to
ship X though, at least in a demand-activated configuration.

How long we ship GTK+-2 is a related question.

Anyways for the purposes of discussion here, let's assume GTK3 is stable
and we'll ship it forever?

> If so, what version? It has historically not been
> super-abi stable, especially wrt themes and other such fringe things.

Third party themes are totally different from apps; they're

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