Re: The next Gnome Office release.

On 03/31/04 18:02:07, Charles Goodwin wrote:

Well we should be able to automate:
* build generation for all projects for each supported platform

Requires actual dedicated boxes and an interface to instruct them. Maybe a unix system could have a late night cronjob and a page like www.application.tld/LATEST, but you can't do it with the rest of them.

* changlelog generation for each release

If commit messages followed a specific set rules, something I thought about proposing for obvious reasons, this would be doable.

* project website updates (if projects were to share web resources)

If its regarding the latest release of a particular application, it could be on a page of some PHP variables. "Patches to make this work accepted."

That would leave:
* release announcement

Same information everytime, so, most of this probably could be scripted. "Patches to make this work accepted."

* summary of changes (which is based mainly on the changelog)

See changelog generation comment

* documentation updates (arguably part of the development process)

Documentation, historically, is maintained separately. There should be no major changes between micro releases, at least.

* language support updates (again, probably part of development)

More likely out of changelogs

* marketing (pushing to freshmeant,, slashdot, etc)

I'm under the impression this is what release announcement would include (if it were simply a note to builders, this certainly need not automating.)


This would still put much of the work on the initial release builder, where much of the actual struggle of, "If I keep this latest patch, but can't add that one, I have this odd regression, so, because that one is untested, I'll have to get rid of this whoopie great bug fix...."

Also worth noting are the DDU victims. That's: Developers on Dial Up. That's a bottle neck of its own doings.


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