Re: Instigation

Op do 29-01-2004, om 10:47 schreef Rodrigo Moya:
> On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 20:23 -0800, David Bolack wrote:
> >   o Fill Deficiencies
> >          We need a presentation project, a good PIM ( preferably one with 
> > good integration into the popular Gnome Email clients ), and possibly a 
> > report generator/graphing system.
> >
> I talked with agata's author ( about making it use
> libgda/libgnomedb, and thus be part of GNOME Office.

Well, I would argue that not every project that uses GO libraries is
automatically part of GO. The problem you'll then be facing very soon is
becoming like the current situation: being some meta project with no
unification at all.

Marc Maurer

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