Re: IM component for Gnome Office

On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 02:25:58PM +0000, Charles Goodwin wrote:
> Should Gnome Office include an instant messenger application?
> The two most likely candidates would be:
> Gaim -
> Gossip -

I suspect not.  Things like that are migrating into the core of
gnome itself, as is evolution (or at least there are people that
would like it to).  My preference would be for GNOME Office apps to
be somewhat data/doument centric.  People seem to treat
communication tools differently.  I've had long arguments on whether
or not Gnome Meeting (a wonderful application) belong in the core of
Gnome any more than abi or gnumerc.  The result always tends to
boil down to communications being given a higher priority than data.

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