[gnome-nl] Call for hosts for GUADEC 2010 / Follow up meeting

Hallo allen,

Dit bericht kwam ik tegen op http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnome.foundation.announce/371

Het lijkt me belangrijk dat wij aan deze irc-meeting meedoen!

Hello GNOME,

During the last board meeting. we discussed on having a follow up
meeting on call for hosts. The main idea here would be to have a
meeting, where the  foundation members and others will have an
opportunity to chat/ask with previous GUADEC organizers on various
topics. Lot of people would have  queries, doubts on organizing an
event of this kind, and Q&As during the meeting will help us get over
that. I approached Baris, Agustin, Quim, Paul and Dave, yet to confirm
the timings from them.

Topics to suggest:
 * location (city)
 * venue & number of rooms needed
 * local team size
 * how much time will it take to plan and run?
 * what non-local resources are there
 * sponsorship
 * budget
 * website
 * agenda & speakers
 * Call for Papers
 * Conference Infrastructure

The meeting will be on 22nd September, 17:00 UTC on irc. Server
GimpNet, channel: #guadec-planning. We know that the time might be
tough for few people (including me, its 10.30pm). The chat logs will
be  formatted and available for reading post meeting. I will be
sending an meeting invite soon.


PS: Please pass this message across, if you know some one who might be
interested in this.

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