RE: [GNOME-my]JHbuild of Gnome 2.5 - march 15

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Colin Charles [mailto:byte aeon com my]
> On Mon, 2004-03-15 at 22:01, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> > > > A few days ago, I came across a review of gnome2.5(aka 
> > > > test it out for myself. I also went to the path of jhbuild.

> > I'm still trying to iron things out.. I've Dl'ed the tarballs for 
> > garnome.(bz2 files). I hope it's not gonna tell me it wants/needs 
> > .gz instead
> Hmm. Can't remember. Read the garnome docs.

Yeah.. bzip2 is supported.. Unfortuntely, it needs more than just
the gnome tarballs. Hence, last night was an early night for myself.

(since I was stucked at.. GAR GAR GAR shared-mime-info GAR GAR GAR!!)
> > > That's the problem. If you're using /opt/gtk2 in your 
> .jhbuildrc, and
> > > you rename it to /opt/gnome2.5, you're asking for trouble.
> > 
> > I made a OOPs.. what can I say. But what irks me more is that 
> > jhbuild doesn't seem to catch the -a flag or the --clean flag
> > for some reason. And for my case, whenever I tried to use 
> > both of these flags, compile keeps getting screwy.
> Bugzilla it. But the OOPs are seriously a problem:

Nice Read.. And No.. I didn't copy it from one /opt/gtk2 to

I did rm -rf /opt/gtk2 Changed the jhbuildrc file to point to 
/opt/gnome26 and then re-did the jhbuild.

So in my case, I think it's not really jbuild's prob either.
I think it's my automake or whatever, since even if I were
to go into the source and try to ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnome26
I still can see references to /opt/gtk2 in there!!!

Tried make clean/make distclean. No luck. Dunno why. 
That's wht I re-cvs the tree then got a little clever

I tar -cjf /cvs/gnome26.tar.bz2 /cvs/gnome26 and kept it
in a safe place..

> Serisouly, use Fedora Core 1 at least (or Debian). jamesh uses it too,
> iirc.

Later.. When FC2 comes along. I'm Ok with RH9. atm

> Getting an srpm of the latest, you can build 9.0 RPMs.

If I can find them.. Hmm.. I could take FC1's srpms eh..

> > > You can install automake manually, from's ftp 
> site. I do this
> > > for Panther builds.
> > 
> > Yeah.. I tried that.. it defaults install into /usr/local. 
> > In some sense it's Good. But I wonder how to to overcome 
> > dependency or whatever.. (I do use checkinstall though)
> Did it all pass? And passing Makefiles prefix'es to where it should be
> installed can also be done :)

now.. that I have to learn how to do. Plugging it into the Makefiles

> What build errors did you see - jhbuild throws nice errors, the last
> time I checked.

It was 4am.. I was too grockly to notice.

> > > Your .jhbuildrc is probably in error. Don't rename /opt/gtk2 to
> > > /opt/gnome25 after compilation.

No No.. Didn't do that.. Told you.. I rm -rf the /opt/gtk2 directory
and then changed .jhbuildrc

> All the best

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