RE: [GNOME-my]JHbuild of Gnome 2.5 - march 15

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Colin Charles [mailto:byte aeon com my]
> Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 6:16 PM
> To: Ow Mun Heng
> Cc: GNOME Malaysia
> Subject: Re: [GNOME-my]JHbuild of Gnome 2.5 - march 15
> On Mon, 2004-03-15 at 19:37, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> > A few days ago, I came across a review of gnome2.5(aka 
> gnome 2.6) and wanted
> > to
> > test it out for myself. I also went to the path of jhbuild.
> It would've been easier to use garnome and the tarballs :)

Speaking from experience?? You also went the jhbuild path

> > Background system
> > RH9
> Hmm, could be missing some devel stuff. Even standard Fedora Core 1
> requires lots of stuff to be installed.

I'm still trying to iron things out.. I've Dl'ed the tarballs for 
garnome.(bz2 files). I hope it's not gonna tell me it wants/needs 
.gz instead

> > Then I chaged the install directory from /opt/gtk2 to 
> /opt/gnome2.5 then to
> > /opt/gnome26 (cause it didn't work... Dunno why. it wasn't cleaning
> > out the sources..  tried make clean/make distclean.. but 
> old references were
> > still
> > there.. ended up re-cvs-ing the whole Darn Tree!!)
> That's the problem. If you're using /opt/gtk2 in your .jhbuildrc, and
> you rename it to /opt/gnome2.5, you're asking for trouble.

I made a OOPs.. what can I say. But what irks me more is that 
jhbuild doesn't seem to catch the -a flag or the --clean flag
for some reason. And for my case, whenever I tried to use 
both of these flags, compile keeps getting screwy.

> > 1. In some areas. the translation files for turkish 
> language was screwed up
> >    It's garbage and not ACSII text as it should be. I just 
> took another look
> > at
> >    the cvs repo, it's text. So.. EIther there _was_ a 
> problem and it's just
> > gone
> >    now or.. I somehow screw up again..
> You speak Turkish? ;)

No.. But that was making installation hang. I had to intervene.
Try doing that when you're trying to get some shuteye at 4am 
and you have to get up at 7am for work!

had to manually remove the tr.po references.

> > 2. Did anyone run the jhbuild bootstrap command? Anwered 
> the default to all
> > it's
> >    questions?? I didn't do it.. Although there were a few 
> items of problems.
> > (eg
> >     automake 1.6.3 and automake 1.8.2 which wasn't 
> installed in my system by
> >     default and since I'm using RH9, updated rpms for these 
> are hard to come
> > by)
> I did. Newer versions of jhbuild (like what you would have used) would
> check to make sure you're not missing stuff.

I spoked to jamesh on IRC yesterday. He walked me through some stuffs
but he also mentioned that jhbuild bootstrap doesn't really work well.
Mentioned that I should go update it from my distro. Since RH9 is EOL,
Can't seem to find (updated) rpms. (Gotta learn to roll my own rpms)

> You can install automake manually, from's ftp site. I do this
> for Panther builds.

Yeah.. I tried that.. it defaults install into /usr/local. 
In some sense it's Good. But I wonder how to to overcome 
dependency or whatever.. (I do use checkinstall though)

> > 3. Right now.. gnome-terminal meta-gnome-core (what is 
> >this?), gtkhtml2(some dependency prob), yelp, gedit 
> >gnomemeeting (due to PWLib not installed. I
> > have no idea what that is..) and meta-gnome-desktop.
> Didn't compile?

Yeah.. Didn't compile. (Was I really that absent minded to 
have missed that out?? Dang.. Getting old)

> > I'm logged into Gnome2.5 right now.. but thing are not 
> working as well as they should.
> Thats because your install looks borked.


> > The spatial nautilus didn't really kick in till a seg 
> fault/error(I can't rememeber,
> > it defaulted to the org 2.4 interface) Not sure if I like 
> it or otherwise.. 
> > It keeps popping up directories after directories. (which 
> is Good. but in some cases
> > can get annoying) But still have the choice to use the 
> > older nautilus interface
> > via - browse-folder
> Seg fault? How so? Have you checked under nautilus?

It's OK now. Not sure what happened. Could be a figment of my
imagination or the lack of caffeine.. :)

> By popping up directories, and directories (when clicked), in 
> different windows, spatial mode is working.

Yeah.. It's working.. After my imagination ran wild episode..:)
> > The Wallpaper/background app crashes whenever I press the 
> >'filesystem'icon.. Since I 
> > would like to browse to a folder to add a new wallpaper. 
> > I'm not really sure why that 
> > is. Hmm.. seems like it's not only the wallpaper selector.. 
> > Even EOG fails to work . (funny thing is.. The one on the 
> > Desktop->Computer->filesystem works!!)
> Did eog compile properly? When jhbuild runs, in an ideal system, it'll
> never ask you questions and you'll compile about 88 apps, 
> without *any*
> issues. That means going away, drinking lots of coffee, and 
> coming back
> a few hours later to find GNOME 2.5 built in /opt/mygnomedir

I guess so.. It never asked me any questions. As mentioned, it's 
not only EOG,but anything that asks for the file selector.
Maybe GTK+ screwed

> > OKay... I've rant enough.. If anyone can offer any help.. 
> I'm open to
> > suggestions..
> Your .jhbuildrc is probably in error. Don't rename /opt/gtk2 to
> /opt/gnome25 after compilation.

I wanted a _clean_ install into /opt/gnome26 since /opt/gtk2 seems

> My experience of building it:

Been there.. Done that.. Didn't have any of those probs

Gonna try garnome build tonight (if I'm up to it.. Need some shut
eye. If there's any dependency nightmare.. I'll just pack it up 
and head on to bed..)


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