Re: Re :[GNOME-my]gweather

Colin Charles menulis:
On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 23:06, Hasbullah Bin Pit wrote:

about gwthear,
method of fetching weather is different of gwther in gnome 2.0 is different with the 2.2.

We're moved to... 2.4 :)

I've tested this on Debian GNOME as well as Fedora Core 1 GNOME, both
GNOME 2.4, both not having support for Malaysian weather updates.

I've patched old gwether to include Malaysia, but the new one
fetch the whole structure,
What's listed.. that's it.

Structure exists, but in 2.4, the choice for choosing Kuala Lumpur under
Asia for example is missing (okay, that's Malaysia under Asia, then KL
under Malaysia).
if the latest gwether fetch the whole structure from the website
if KL is not listed, nothing can be done.

if gweather use it own structure, Malaysian City/town already Added

maybe this gwther for 2.4 is different from 2.2?
I havent check yet

Probably is. You're still on 2.2?

I meant, I havent checked 2.4 code
I get confused
I dont know since when it change the method of fetching

Hasbullah Bin Pit (sebol)

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