Re: Re :[GNOME-my]gweather

On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 23:06, Hasbullah Bin Pit wrote:

> about gwthear,
> method of fetching weather is different  of gwther in gnome 2.0 is 
> different with the 2.2.

We're moved to... 2.4 :)

I've tested this on Debian GNOME as well as Fedora Core 1 GNOME, both
GNOME 2.4, both not having support for Malaysian weather updates.

> I've patched old gwether to include Malaysia, but the new one
> fetch the whole structure,
> What's listed.. that's it.

Structure exists, but in 2.4, the choice for choosing Kuala Lumpur under
Asia for example is missing (okay, that's Malaysia under Asia, then KL
under Malaysia).

> maybe this gwther for 2.4 is different from 2.2?
> I havent check yet

Probably is. You're still on 2.2?
Colin Charles, byte aeon com my

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