Re: [GNOME-my]Opensource@school

Colin Charles wrote:
On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 12:15, Hasbullah bin Pit wrote:

kalau dapat booth, ada yg leh volunteer tak?

for gnome/linux/, i'm in.

so, does that mean you'll be in KL then? maybe a meetup on that day then
I've no choice
they"ve already listed me.
if i dont go, busuk nama lah.

refering to this...
our paper are not conflicted, but colin's cinflicted with
Mr Adli Abdul Wahid.
can u request to change yours to sessi selari 3 or 4

I want to attend colin's but i also want to attend MR Adli's too
(to check whther gnome, gcompris is included on his s/w list or not)

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