State of the Coaster

Hello all,
Time for another State of the coaster address.

First off, all modules except for the following have been removed from
cvs as they are no longer needed. The ones being used still are:

coaster-gui -- Main coaster gui
coasterarchitect -- Coaster Architect
libcoaster -- Common burning capplets and settings

A new module, coaster-web will be added once I finish the new website.

On the note of the website, I have been working on a rewrite of the code
and doing minor layout changes. I have a test version up at which is currently the latest. The new site
shall be released as soon as it is done or when the server transition is

I will be moving coaster services to a new server soon. The services
will include arch and web. Mail-list and bugs will be handled by gnome
with arch syncing to gnome's cvs. ETA on this is unknown at the moment.

On to the code. First off, debian users must update their bakery and
bakery-gnomeui packages with those at Once
these packages are updated, coaster should compile. Just add these lines
to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb ./
deb-src ./

Once those lines are added, update apt and install the packages.

In the coaster code, there have been a couple major changes/additions.
The view is solely one and not multiple views like the older
code/mockups. This will present the user with a simple and straight
forward way to make a disc. After the user hits burn, coaster asks what
type of disc is to be made. Drag and Drop between coaster and nautilus
is also in cvs.

Things that still need done include libcoaster work and then integrating
that into the gui. libburn also needs to interact with coaster-gui for
the functions not covered in libcoaster. Also, HIG and translation word
is always a must. Once we move to gnome cvs, translations should become
more of a reality. We are also always looking for input on the interface
and design. Remember, we are always idle in #coaster on so
come in and shout at us.

Until next update, happy hacking!

Sean Harshbarger
harshy dersoldat org

Key fingerprint = 086A AA96 51DD D84D 3E64  1B26 778F 2335 C828 E736
Sean Harshbarger
harshy dersoldat org

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