Re: designing a wrapper lib

On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 16:27, Joe Shaw wrote:
> It would be nice if we had a nice generic video widget so all I had to
> do would be:
>         GtkWidget *window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
>         GtkWidget *video = gnome_video_new ("pants.mpg");
>         gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), video);
>         gtk_widget_show_all (window);
>         gnome_video_play (GNOME_VIDEO (video));
>         gtk_main ();

Dude, that's the API for GtkXine ;)

Take a look at:

The API will be slightly different soon (split _play into _load and
_play now that xine-lib will allow it, just like GStreamer).

I want to do the same thing for GStreamer's version. It should be that
simple, hiding the cruft inside the library/widget.

People can then write a bonobo component/nautilus view very very easily.

> but I am sure there are much, much larger issues involved here that I
> don't understand.  But you get the point.  For your larger video editing
> program, most of this stuff is too high level for you, and you need to
> use the features of GStreamer.  But I just want to make a "SQUEAK!"
> noise when a user triple right-clicks on my window.

Something like:
gnome_sound_play (MY_NIFTY_EVENT);

I hope that straightens it up :)


/Bastien Nocera

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