Re: designing a wrapper lib

On Wed, 2002-09-18 at 16:02, Wim Taymans wrote:
> Jorn, you're designing an app.
> Allow me to make this little analogy (with flaws, as with all analogies,
> but you'll get the point).
> pretend: GStreamer~=GDK/GTK
> Are you saying that my (one of my mid-term goals) VirtualDub clone
> should use that single library of yours? I can give you some of my
> requirements then... Are you also saying that my (one of my long-term
> goals) NLE library should use that single library of yours too? 

We don't need a single all-singing, all-dancing wrapper library, but we
do need wrappers for something as simple as, say "play a sound".  I
don't want to have to deal with sinks and pipelines and all that.  I
just want to play a .wav file or a .ogg file or whatever when a user
clicks a button.

It would be nice if we had a nice generic video widget so all I had to
do would be:

        GtkWidget *window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
        GtkWidget *video = gnome_video_new ("pants.mpg");
        gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), video);
        gtk_widget_show_all (window);
        gnome_video_play (GNOME_VIDEO (video));
        gtk_main ();
but I am sure there are much, much larger issues involved here that I
don't understand.  But you get the point.  For your larger video editing
program, most of this stuff is too high level for you, and you need to
use the features of GStreamer.  But I just want to make a "SQUEAK!"
noise when a user triple right-clicks on my window.


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