Re: Ideas and graph

On Sun, 2002-09-15 at 22:03, Manuel Clos wrote:

> Simple dependency graph:
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------
> |   Gnome-media
> |    +-------------------------------------------------------------------
> |    |  Gnome apps: rhythmbox, gnome-cd, grecord, ...
> |    |     +--------------------------------------------------------------
> |    |     |  Monkey-Media
> |    |     |     +---------------------------------------------------------
> |    |     |     |  GStreamer
> |    |     |     |
> |    |     |     |

Dawned on me that the graph is more

|   Gnome Multimedia Project (just to stop confusion between all the
|                             stuff and the gnome-media tarball release)
|    +------------------------------------------------------------------
|    | Gnome Apps:
|    |   +-------------------------+         +------------+
|    |   | Apps that use m-media   |         | Apps that  |
|    |   | +-----------+           |         | don't      |
|    |   | | GStreamer |           |         | +---------+|
|    |   | +-----------+           |         | | G S T   ||
|    |   +-------------------------+         | +---------+|
|    |                                       +------------+
|    |   +-------------------------+
|    |   | Apps that don't use     |
|    |   | GStreamer (sorry, there |
|    |   | are some :) )           |
|    |   +-------------------------+

And we're currently waiting to see if GStreamer will be accepted. Can we
just use GStreamer just like Yelp is using GtkHTML2?

"Evil" is a good crowd-puller but a mighty hard enemy to shoot down with
a missile. 

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