Re: TotemCdSelection widget

On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 14:33, Joergen Scheibengruber wrote:
> Am Don, 2002-12-12 um 15.14 schrieb Bastien Nocera:
> [....]
> > > Looks really cool :-)
> > > 
> > > However, I'm not sure if all users (want to) know the technical name of
> > > their cd-/dvd-rom drive. Maybe the label could show something like "DVD
> > > (CD/CD-R/CD-RW/...) Drive 1 (2/3/..) (technical id)", or something like
> > > that...
> > 
> > Not quite sure. Usually there's only one or 2 drives on the machines.
> > It's pretty easy to find out which is which, and "Drive 1/2/3" is harder
> > to figure out than a name.
> Hmm, you're right. But I would dare to claim that most users don't know
> the manufacturer of their cdrom drive. And often the technical ids (you
> probably take them from /proc/ide/*), are pretty cryptical... I don't
> know if it's possible to find out wether a device is a CD/CD-R/CD-RW/DVD
> Drive other then parsing this technical id, but if it's possible, I'd
> like to suggest taking "CD/CD-R/CD-RW/DVD Drive" as an id and maybe the
> technical id in parantheses behind. The number of the device can be
> ommitted, that's right, it probably doesn't provide any useful
> information...

It's already possible to find what type a drive is.

if *drive is a CDDrive, drive->type will give it to you. Possible values
are listed in cd-drive.h

/Bastien Nocera

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Segmentation fault

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