Re: [gnome-love] jhbuild, behind proxy compiling gnome-todo

On Mi, 2016-01-20 at 13:37 +0530, Jay Aurabind wrote:
Can you please give me any further pointers ?
I configured git like this:

git config --global http.proxy {{ proxy_http_server_url }}
git config --global https.proxy {{ proxy_https_server_url }}
git config --global --add 'url.https://.insteadOf' 'git://'

For repositories without a http link, I use smth like

git config --global --add core.gitproxy ~/.local/bin/gitproxy

with that file being smth like

_proxy={{ proxy_host }}
_proxyport={{ proxy_port }}
exec socat STDIO PROXY:$_proxy:$1:$2,proxyport=$_proxyport

This made it work for me reasonably well.
But I find myself cloning with --depth=1 to not load too many objects
which seems to confuse the proxy I am forced to use.


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