Re: [gnome-love] GNOME Goals birthday!

Talking with Claudio I suggested him to push a mini-gnome-goal to
update README, HACKING and any file containing possibly outdated
contact information. Maybe even using a template as a guide. What do
you think?

On 3/20/07, Luis Menina <liberforce fr st> wrote:
Hi to all GNOME lovers!

The GNOME Goals project, launched by Vincent Untz last year (ok, I
missed the birthday by 3 days ;-) ) has been mostly abandonned for a few

For those who may not know, the GNOME Goals are an easy way for new
contributer-wannabees to start helping GNOME in some way. It's one of
the many gates to enter in the community, and join the project.

I've recently talked to Vincent Untz about this subject at FOSDEM. I
thought (like many others) that GNOME Goals were an important access
gate, and it was sad that they started dying when Vincent had less time
to push them forward.

However, after seing Claudio Saavedra adding recently GNOME Goal #3 ( ), and
Xan Lopez wanting to spread some GTK love ( , ), I thought it could be great if we
could team up to have the GNOME Goals reborn from ashes.

For this to happen, we should define some guidelines:
- define the regularity of each goal (the 2-weeks basis looked good to
have the project feel strong and alive)
- define what to do with old goals (how to complete them)
- define how a new goal is chosen, and who choses it
- define people who can find qualified people to review the guidelines
before a new GNOME Goal is launched (to avoid misleading people with
incorrect guidelines as we did in the past: )
- define the different domains we want to cover (performance, HIG
compliance, code update for new widgets, documentation, etc.), with some
of them requiring NO programming knowledge.
-define how we will popularize this action: gnome-love mailing list,
wiki, blogs of the the teams members, and localized
gnome planets. We could also when a goal is open cross post the annouce
on another mailing list of the domain of that goal (for example on
gtk-devel-list for GTK widgets migration, performance-list for performance)

We should also have some rules:
- the goals must be of reasonable size and of easy complexity.
- they should be easily applied to many softwares. The patches are
centralized on the wiki page, wich will be helpful for newbies who want
to see how someone else did it, meaning they will really *learn* from
the process.
- the guidelines must be self explaining, so they can be easily understood
- a goal can't be set if no team member has time to answer eventual
questions about that goal
- everything must be traced and centralized in bugzilla. Maybe with a
the gnome-love keyword. All GNOME goals would then have the gnome-love
keyword, without all the bugs with the gnome-love keyword being actually
GNOME goals. That way people looking for easy tasks could also find
GNOME goals among them.
- an application that is not maintained, or for wich the maintainer or
developpers never answer for help to achieve a goal should be removed
from the applications list. Asking newcommers to work or write patches
with nobody to help them, or read their work is awfully unrewarding, and
we must avoid that as much as possible.

The GNOME Goal #0 is : convert as many GNOME users we can to actually
become *contributors*

Here are some proposals. Tell me if you found them good (or bad)... All
contructive remarks are appreciated.

I'd also like to know if Claudio and/or Xan would be willing to put some
time here, to build a GNOME Goals team...

Let's make GNOME rock even more altogether!

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gnome-love gnome org

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