Re: [gnome-love] GTK customisation (OT?)

On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 10:08:48PM +0100, Magnus Therning wrote:
Hmm, it looks like the loading order is a bit strange. Defaults are
loaded after the theme specifics, and the user's settings are loaded
very early. I would have wanted my own things to be loaded last, thereby
overriding whatever the defaults and theme says.

I wouldn't judge the loading order based on the order in which the files
are being read: they might be read onto a stack then popped off for
interpretation, or something. However...

It worked since I'm using a theme that doesn't specify those values
itself (simple). When changing to a theme that does (Lush) it doesn't
work... good enough for me at the moment, but a little silly anyway.

...this does suggest something strange. I will conduct similar
experiments myself :-)

[ regarding documenting this stuff, I am working on a writeup for , some details at ]

Jon Dowland
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