Re: [gnome-love] idea for a new project

On Sun, 2005-03-13 at 15:17 +0100, Jonas Geiregat wrote:
I'm fairly new to gtk+ I've done some rather small project for myself
that are far from usefull and just plain stupid. But it was a good
thing to do to get used to the widgets. Now I want to create something
that has a real use. I've been thinking of creating something I call a
"list keeper" , It will be a gnome panel applet similar to how the
current gnome menu works.  You will be able to create categories which
will hold list item. That way you can create a "todo list", "tobring
list" , "toread list", "totalk list" etc .. that is easely accesseble
and modifiable from your desktop.
I would love to hear all kinds of comments on this idea ..

have you heard about Tomboy ( It
essentially does the same...


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