Re: [gnome-love] is this list active?

On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 08:50, Allin Cottrell wrote:
On Sun, 9 Nov 2003, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:

On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 15:10, Aaron Walker wrote:
I've been subscribed for about a week and haven't recieved any list
traffic at all.  Is this list active or am I just not recieving any of
the posts?

OK, now that we've established that the list is active, I have a
question.  I'm wondering, what are the plans for yelp?  I'm running
gnome 2.2 and I find yelp is really _far_ too slow to function as a
usable help system.  It's OK for trivial one-page help files, but when
I try to call up something substantial such as the gnumeric manual the
rendering takes ages (on a 2.2GHz Pentium 4).

The rendering of large documents is several orders of magnitude slower
than Mozilla or devhelp.  I suppose this is because yelp has a lot of
extra work to do, starting from an xml base rather than html -- if
that's the case I believe the basic design decision of starting from
raw xml needs to be reconsidered.

If you subscribed to gnome-love@ because you're looking for something in
GNOME to work on, then you've just asked exactly the right question.

I took over Yelp maintainership a couple of months ago, and I've been
very busy reworking the entire transformation system.  This stuff is
possible.  I have very fast DocBook to HTML transformations right now
(that's the part that's slowing things down for you).  But there's just
a whole lot of work to be done in working all of this stuff into Yelp.

There's also a list of features that everybody wants, and that I'd love
to implement.  But I'm only one man, and this is all done in my free
time.  The answer to "When will this be done?" is "Sooner if you help."


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