Re: [gnome-love] is this list active?

On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 15:10, Aaron Walker wrote:
I've been subscribed for about a week and haven't recieved any list 
traffic at all.  Is this list active or am I just not recieving any of 
the posts?

This list is not really very active at all (e.g. three posts last month
and you are the first this month). It goes through periods of brief
spurts of activity when somebody asks a question and then sits quietly.
The purpose for creating the list in the first place has not passed
(giving love to existing GNOME applications -- a.k.a. helping people
become involved in contributing to GNOME itself), but we need some more
cheer-leaders since Miguel and Chema, the original list creators, have
not have time to do it lately.

I do not think it is worth stopping the list, but somebody might want to
try and coordinate a bit of activity here (it's something that does need
planning, really).

On the down side, the list does receive about 20 spam messages per day
to the list and another dozen or so directly to the -admin address, so I
get to clear lots of crap out of the queue. I think having "love" in the
list name is a bit of a trap in that sense. :-(


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