Re: Setting preferred applications

On Sun, 1 Dec 2019 at 15:10, Volker Wysk <post volker-wysk de> wrote:

And so it isn't possible to specify a terminal emulator to be run by

(Replying again as it didn't go to the list - Gmail isn't smart while
replying to mailing lists.)

If you want to make nautilus open a directory in xterm (that is, run
xterm and cd to the directory) you can use the "Open With Other
Application" option offered on right-click.

That option will show all applications from /usr/share/applications
and ~/.local/share/applications directory which contain %F specifier
in the Exec statement.

So, using a plain text editor you first have to create xterm.desktop
file in /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications so that
it contains the following text:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=xterm -e "cd %F; $SHELL"

After that right-click a directory in nautilus and choose Open With
Other Application > View All Applications > XTerm.

That way nautilus will execute
xterm -e "cd %F; $SHELL"
where %F is replaced with the path of the directory and $SHELL is
replaced with the path of your shell.

I tried that on Debian 10 with gnome 3.30 and it works fine.

-- rpr.

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