Paperwork : a personal document manager


(sorry if it's not the correct mailing-list for this kind of discussions)

For the last few years, I've been the main developer of a program
called Paperwork ( ; ).
I'm currently wondering, could Paperwork become part of the Gnome project ?

Quick presentation:
Paperwork is a personal document manager. It manages scanned documents
and PDFs. It's designed to be easy and fast to use. The idea behind
Paperwork is "scan & forget": You can just scan a new document and
forget about it until the day you need it again.
It's under GPLv3+. It's written in Python 3. It uses GTK+ / Gnome APIs.

There is obviously still a lot of work to do on it before making it
the application I would like it to be. But from my point of view,
Gnome goals and Paperwork goals are aligned: open-source, free, aim at
simplicity of use and efficiency. Paperwork would clearly gain a lot
from being part of Gnome.

Right now, it's just a thought. I'm just looking whether it would be
doable. Even if it would be ok on Gnome side, I still would have to
discuss it with the other contributors.

Best regards,

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