Re: Linux advocate claims Gnome project is 'fascinated with Microsoft'

On Thu, 2014-02-13 at 13:54 +0000, Resnik Chris wrote:
So, what?


That is his personal opinion based on a recent install. He's not the first one,

And not an especially informed opinion either.  I mean, who is this guy?
A developer?  Does he interact significantly with the developers? [so he
might have actual insight into what fascinates them?].  Who cares.

 the only one or the last one to think so. I myself used Gnome 2 a lot but 
I don't like Gnome 3 so I stick with Unity although that is not without issues.

I am a VERY happy GNOME Shell user.

Rather than swearing at him, politely ignore him 


Adam Tauno Williams <mailto:awilliam whitemice org> GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA

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