GCompris's future


For those who don't know me, I am the author of the educational software GCompris (http://gcompris.net) which 
is a non core Gnome project based on gtk+.

As many projects, our users are expecting us to deliver a version for the major tablet operating systems, but 
sadly, there is no easy way to port a gtk+ application on Android or iOS.

I am thus currently working on a plan to port GCompris to another graphical toolkit that would allow GCompris 
to target the main desktops and tablets operating systems from a single code base.

After looking at different choices, I found that the Qt Quick technology (Qt/QML/Javascript) was an 
interesting choice for GCompris. I am currently working on a prototype to validate that it suits all our 
needs. Of course this is a major work. Even if I could code a layer to run GCompris activities on Qt, it 
would not look as polished than a native one. So the idea is really to rewrite GCompris, keeping only the 
concepts, data, images, sounds and translations.

As you imagine a rewrite will not happens overnight and I will continue to maintain the gtk+ version of 
GCompris until the Qt version is on par in terms of functionality.


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