Re: GNOME Chat/Empathy Status

On Wed, 2014-04-09 at 15:06 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
On Wed, 2014-04-09 at 13:27 +0100, Michael Ikey Doherty wrote:
More interestingly I discover they are 2 separate things - that throws
even more questions into the mix. I'll leave it at this for now:
Why 2 separate chat applications? Why not merge and fix within Empathy?
Or the other way around.

Because two people wanted to create chat apps... it is really that
simple.  And Pidgin is older and cross platform.  Empathy uses the
Telepathy backend and is about integration with the GNOME stack.

So what's the plan for gnome-chat? I ask because the wogue article, no
other reason. It makes it appear as if gnome-chat is completely dead (My
confusion was that I thought gnome-chat and empathy were to be merged,
apparently not :))

I'm talking about Empathy + gnome-chat, not Empathy and pidgin. Also,
does Polari now affect the status of gnome-chat?

- Ikey

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