Re: Route 66 - GNOME 2x

That's cool and all, but make it official.
Side things are great, but make sure that everyone knows what you are doing so that it can benefit others.

An undocumented feature is no feature at all :)

Jared Jennings

On Sat, May 18, 2013 at 9:02 PM, Sergio de Almeida Lenzi <lenzi sergio gmail com> wrote:
Em Sáb, 2013-05-18 às 18:31 -0500, Jared Jennings escreveu:

** This isn't a rant or a rave** :)

We love progress, we love old, we love familiar, we love new. We support Free Software and the accompanying options. It's all about *free* as in liberating. I know several of us have been speaking about why GNOME 2x, which that is fine and all, but really lets be problem solvers not complainers.

So!! Why doesn't someone maintain a 2x branch?
I do...  using archlinux
the repo is gnome2, just add ....
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server = http://gnome2:81/$arch
before the [core]  repo
in a new installed archlinux (with only the base and xorg) installed
than, install gnome2 with the command pacman -Sy gnome2

I'm not volunteering for the job; I got my own time problems. - I could be manipulated into it, but I'm sure there are others better qualified and with more time.

It would not be ideal in my opinion; I would rather see the effort spent on 3x.
I would let the "gurus" deal with gnome3, I will stay with gnome2, as
I primary use FreeBSD, that is still in the gnome 2.32 alive and well...

The Kernel does something similar with Greg KH.

It would appear that GNOME could support this as long as the maintainers realized what they are signing up for.

Again, I don't think it's ideal. I do believe it's better than complaining. I would rather see someone provide solutions for 3x instead.
gnome3 provides a new "solution" that is quite different from the gnome2  I am
only letting users choose... those who wants gnome2 will have it...

I do not expect to be better of worse than gnome2, it is just a matter of choice
as my servers (and I have a lot...) uses gnome2, why the laptops should use another Destkop Environmet (DE)?????
users access the FreeBSD servers using vnc, and logs in using gdm 2.18.. but windows is too unstable to
work with, so I needed an more stable operating system for laptops, so I choose Linux, Now they access their
network drive using webdav and the same interface, with the same look and feel.
the same laptop must be used by several persons (not at the same time) but each account
protectaed from the other, for example, the notebook belongs to the company, so when
person A needs to travel with it and make a presentation, answer emails, it must not
interfere with person B that will use the same laptop next week in another trip to make another presentation.

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