Re: Moved to Gnome 3 and can't drag and drop urls anymore

Philip Walden wrote:

> $ gnome-panel
> Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module"
> Cannot register the panel shell: there is already one running.
> I have gnome-shell running, but AFIK not another gnome-panel.

Sorry, I forgot the --replace option. The call should read:
  gnome-panel --replace

Next question would be how to execute the command on start-up of 
gnome-shell. Unlike gnome2 there is no way to configure this from 
the GUI(*). But you can execute on the command line:
This will give you the GUI known from gnome2.6.

(*) I find this kind of well meaning paternalism obnoxious...
Kai-Martin Knaak
Email: kmk familieknaak de
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