Is there a real Gnome users list somewhere that people could reccomend?

I am not usually snarky when I post.

Bud I have been following the Gnome users list for several years now.
There never seems to be any discussion about things Gnomish.  An
occasional helpful response but no discussions etc. as occurs on other
Linux program lists.

Gnome3 has just been released.  There is lots to talk about, pro and
con.  Lots of tips and tricks to trade.  Lots of thoughts and ideas
about where users would like to see Gnome go next.  So far I see a grand
total of 75 posts since Gnome3's release.

Where can one go to get a conversation?  Maybe a live chat site?  Which
one would be the most active?

Regards Bill
Fedora 15, Gnome 3.0.2
Evo.3.0.2, Emacs 23.2.1

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