Controlling vino-server from command line

[Pointers to a better list welcome.]

I'm able to ssh into a remote machine, and once connected I want to
enable vino-server.

On Ubuntu I can use the System->Preferences->Remote Desktop to
enable the vino-server.  But, if I use gconftool-2 to toggle the
enable/disable key it sometimes doesn't change.

Doesn't help me if I only have ssh access.

$ sudo netstat -tnlp | grep vino
tcp6       0      0 :::5900         :::*    LISTEN      6351/vino-server

$ gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled false

$ sudo netstat -tnlp | grep vino
tcp6       0      0 :::5900         :::*    LISTEN      6351/vino-server

Yet, on another machine I'm able to toggle it:

moseley bumby2:~$ sudo netstat -tnlp | grep vino
tcp6       0      0 :::5900         :::*    LISTEN      31503/vino-server

moseley bumby2:~$ gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled false

moseley bumby2:~$ sudo netstat -tnlp | grep vino
moseley bumby2:~$ 

Does using the Gnome menu to enable the remote desktop server do
something more than just toggle the gconf setting?

Is there a trick to running vino-server from the command line (once I
ssh in)?


Bill Moseley
moseley hank org
Sent from my iMutt

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