Re: Session start up scripts

On Thu, 2009-08-27 at 17:15 +0100, AG wrote:
> Gnome 2.6 on up-to-date Debian Squeeze using 2.6.30 kernel on a single 
> user system:

2.26 not 2.6 right? :)

> I have a couple of difficulties resolving what services, etc., are 
> started at login.  I have used System -> Preferences -> Sessions to 
> identify the services and applications I want started.  This includes 
> using xscreensaver (rather than Gnome-screensaver) and Conky.
> However, each login, so gnome-screensaver is initiated and Conky isn't.  
> Whilst these aren't major issues, I wouldn't mind sorting them out, so I 
> was curious if there are textual configuration files that I can hack to 
> set this up.

I think gnome-screensaver is launched by gnome-settings-daemon. g-s-d is
based on plugins, the screensaver being one such plugin. 

I think you can disable it by
setting /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/plugins/screensaver/active to false.

> Also, how does one override (default?) applications that are started 
> when a removable media is loaded?  I don't want to use Totem (but don't 
> want to uninstall it either) as my default media player for DVDs, but 
> despite changing this in Preferred Applications option, Totem is always 
> initiated when a DVD is inserted.  Again, are there some textual 
> configuration files I can access to set my preferences directly to use 
> VLC, for example?

System → Preferences → File Management → Media tab

Sven Arvidsson
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