Re: Changing Panel Names for Gnome Menu Launcher ??

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 7:07 AM, William Case <billlinux rogers com> wrote:
> Hi;
> I would like to change the names for the menu launcher that comes
> pre-set on my upper panel.  Currently I have "Applications  Places
> System".  This launcher takes up 2.5" on my upper panel.  I would like
> to change the headings to "Apps Places Sys".  That would probably give
> me 1/2 to 3/4 inches of extra panel space.
> Is there anyway I can safely do this without destroying any functions of
> the menu?  Is there a way to add menu headings to my gconf-editor so
> that the headings can be controlled from there?
> --
> Regards Bill

You can remove them altogether and replace them with the Main Menu
icon, which is (relatively) tiny.


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