a couple of words from a former KDE user

Hi guys,

For years I used to have KDE on all my machines and I was very happy with it.  Then I switched most of my machines to gNewSense (website: www.gnewsense.org/ , review: http://distrowatch.gds.tuwien.ac.at/weekly.php?issue=20070108#review) which has Gnome as a default desktop (even though a KDE version is also available).  So after years of KDE use I was forced to give Gnome another try.

Guys - I *loved* it.  While Gnome has less stuff than the huge KDE Desktop+OfficeSuite+applets, it has, I think, better designed and better integrated tools.  I find Gnome wonderfully well organized and each tool is more stable and 'purer' in its interface.  My *only* regret is that Nautilus does not allow tabs, but other than that I love Gnome and I will stick with it.

Then I remembered the ugly campaign by Torvalds (and others) of trashing Gnome which, frankly, at the time I did not care about either way.  Now looking back on it, I think that all that was in an _expression_ of Torvald's hatred of  *anything* with 'GNU' in it which itself, is an extension of his hatred of anything related to RMS (be it Gnome or the GPL3).

Anyway - I just wanted to post a big THANK YOU to all the guys which make Gnome possible and tell them (-: assuming that is needed in the first place :-) that I wish them all the best and that I hope that some ugly comments about their fantastic work did not discourage them.

Kind regards and many, many thanks,


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