Re: There has gotta be an easy answer - binding commands to keys ??

On Fri, 2007-01-26 at 14:36 -0500, William Case wrote:
> Hi;
> I would like to bind a particular unicode to a
> specific key or modifier + key (eg. Super + y = ctrl+shift+u2714). 
> How would I do that in gconf-editor metacity keybinding_commands?
> If I can write a bash script to do it, can I bind the script?
> Or,
> How do I write <Ctrl> + <Shift> + U + 2714 so that an application will
> read all the key strokes?
> Or,
> Is there a way to add U2714 to the compose list?
> I have asked this question here and on the Gnome Forum and received no
> reply.
> Is it because the question is particularly stupid, difficult or just
> boring?


No, I don't think your question stupid or boring. 

I have very little experience with inputting unicode chars, but did some
digging, hopefully some of these links can be of some assistance to you:
        Means of Composing Accented Characters in X Window System
        - Tips for extending the compose list.
        Latin Plus: An Input Method Module for GTK+
        - Seems to be another way of using the compose key.
        How to Type Letters with Accents in GNOME
        - Describes a multikey, no idea how this differs from compose.


Sven Arvidsson
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