Totem not automatic

Totem will not play movie DVDs when inserted. First, some hardware and software information:

Processor: AMD Athlon (TM) XP 2800+ 1243.537 MHz
          L1 I Cache: 64K (64 bytes/line), D cache 64K (64 bytes/line)
          L2 Cache: 512K (64 bytes/line)

Mainboard: ASUS M7A625 A7N8X/K7/NC18D/AGP8X

BOIS:      Phoenix-AwardBIOS v6.00PG
          ASUS A7N8X2.0 ACPI BIOS Rev 1007
          AMD Athlon (TM) XP 2800+
          Mem: 524288k

Graphics:  NVIDIA  GF FX5200 256MB DDR TV DVI  S/N EHS028470

Sound:     Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2

DVD:       hdd: TDK DVDRW420N, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
          hdd: ATAPI 40X DVD-ROM CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache, UDMA(33)

Not the latest, but it has been reliable, and I'm not a gamer.


Linux 2.6.17-1.2145_FC5 #1 Sat Jul 1 13:03:45 EDT 2006 i686 athlon i386

gnome-session.i386                       2.14.2-1.fc5.1

libdvdcss.i386                           1.2.9-2.fc5

totem-xine.i386                          1.4.0-4.lvn5


Totem will load and play, automatically, music CDs when inserted. This doesn't with movies.
Totem will start and crash with an error message.

I can get it to play movies with this routine:

1) Insert the movie DVD and wait for Totem to start and quit with the message: "Cannot Mount Volume. You are not privileged to mount the volume 'MovieName'"

2) Run "mount /dvd" in a terminal. Totem will start and stop, but not quit, with the message:
  "Totem was not able to play this disc. No reason." Accept this message.

3) Bring down the Movie menu and click "Play Disk...".

Totem then plays the movie fine. I can live with this, but something is wrong.
Any ideas?

Thanks for your help,

bobbrrtt earthlink net

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