Shortcut to Owner and Permissions?


I would like to write a script (binding it to a shortcut key -- eg.
Ctrl-3 would be nice) that allows me to toggle on and off file and
folder ownership and permissions while in the list view of my Nautilus

gconf-editor lists the following variables/constants/commands?? 
owner,permissions,octal_permissions].  How do I get access to these
commands through a script, arrange some of them in my preferred order,
and set a column width in the nautilus display window?

At this point, I only need help getting started.  I may be back for
further help, but for now I would like to give setting up what I want a
try myself.

(Yes, I know I can keep changing my preferences or set up owner and
permission columns permanently, but I am trying to get something I can
toggle on and off as I need it.)

All suggestion, pointers and hints gratefully received.

I am using Gnome 2.14.3 on Fedora Core 5.

Regards Bill

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