OpenBSD and Gnome 2.16


I am a relatively New User to Unix in general, and I lack the
Knowledge at the moment to be a maintainer myself, all though I would
Love to be Gnome's Maintainer for OpenBSD someday (Soon)

Would someone Knowledgeable be Willing to be a temporary maintainer
for Gnome in OpenBSD

Gnome is pretty far behind in OpenBSD (2.10 Desktop).

The Other BSD's FreeBSD and NetBSD both have 2.16 ports

I am Just really looking forward to Running Gnome 2.16.x Desktop on OpenBSD

if anyone knows on a place to get any Non Official Ports for a more
current Gnome for OpenBSD Please drop me a quick E-mail

any Help Would be GREATLY appreciated

Sam Fourman Jr.

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