Bug Report Personnel Issues

Dear Chris,

I just wanted to write to let you know that your coments regarding bug id# 165729 were totally un-called for. Please see below.

When one starts the Desklets applet a dialog box asks to inform the GNOME developers of the error. She was just sending the report to help you.

Now she's crying thanks to you.

My wife has contributed a lot of artwork to various OSS projects that needed it. She's not asking for a metal, just a little courtesy.

I expect you to make a full apology to my wife. You may email her at linuxpeach at linuxpeach dot com.

By way of Cc:'ng the mailing list I ask if there is a way that we may prevent this kind of behavior in the future for the good of the community and it's users:

------- Additional Comments From Christian Meyer  2005-01-30 13:50 -------
You call this a bug report?
Provide a more useful one next time...thanks for wasting our time.
gDesklets can't crash, because it's python code, your bindings are broken most


Cooper Stevenson

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