Re: New user, problem with Gnome Desktop manager.

 --- Jonny Fransson <bluesky bostream nu> wrote: 
> Hi all
> First of all I am not a subscriber to this list so
> please reply
> personally.
> I was writing a simple gameserver in windows and was
> asked to port
> it to GNU platforms using gcc which i am familary
> to. My choise when
> selecting a package was Debian and when installed I
> chosed desktop
> environment together whith c/c++ developer pakage.
> The installation
> went quite well but I am a user who dont like safety
> becouse I am
> usually locking my self out. Therefore I didn't
> create another account
> other than the mandatory root. The problem arised
> when I the next
> morning started the linux machine, it went right
> into the desktop
> manager
> which refused me to log in as root. With no other
> account available I
> had to log in from a remote machine using PuTTY.
> Kill the gdm process
> go back to the linux machine again and log in as
> root and then startx.
> How can I prevent that Gnome Desktop Manager from
> starting up?
> I which script or where ever it could be? I have
> tried all the usual
> way's
> from the log in screen but no progress. I am qiute
> happy with starting
> the server manually but have to log in from remote
> to kill a process
> seem
> like overkill to me.

You can however configure gdm from the login screen.
Try F10 or click the menu from login. Put in your root
password when asked, and then I believe you should be
able to "allow root logins" from gdm.

Also, to switch from gdm to a text login, you can wait
for gdm to come up and then hold control-alt-F1.

I'm sure someone will tell you which script to edit to
stop gdm entirely. I'm not certain off hand, but I
hope these two work arounds are of help.

Matt Johnson

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