Re: Nautilus: Vital need for xterm in current working directory. Can you help?

Are scripts out of favor, or is this just another way of doing things?
I'm running Gnome 2.2 (built with Garnome on 20 Feb) on RH 7.3. I have
been using a script and decided to try this app-reg. Here is what I have

Difference between this and using a script:

- This places an "open with terminal" button in the left pane when in
"information view" the script does not.

- this uses Nautilus to allows customizations for users that get the
menu item, script is current user only (unless manually placed in all
script dirs)

- this requires clicking on a folder icon to be able to open a new term,
the script allows right clicking in the folder's contents and getting a
term at the folder

- this doesn't give the extra $NAUTILUS_xxx vars that the script does (a
mixed blessing, as the NAUTILUS_xxx vars sometimes wreak havok on my Ant
scripts for some odd reason - and appear only to do so when I open a
term when right clicking on a folder icon)

I normally run Nautilus with tree view/details for the left/right panes
which makes it nice for jumping between directories.

Some similarities:

- both require 2 clicks to get a term from the pop-up menu (a root level
item would be nice)

- neither give (I think due to Nautilus?) a pop-up menu on in tree view
(this would be the best thing since sliced bread, IMHO)

For reference, the script I use is:

# From Chris Picton
# Replaces a Script by Martin Enlund

# This script either opens in the current directory, 
# or in the selected directory

base=`echo $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_CURRENT_URI | cut -d'/' -f3-`
     while [ ! -z "$1" -a ! -d "$base/$1" ]; do shift; done

gnome-terminal --working-directory="$dir"


On Tue, 2003-05-13 at 16:02, gabor wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-05-13 at 14:59, Paul Johnson wrote:
> > In Gnome-2.2 (from RedHat 9) I am stumped. In Nautilus, users can 
> > navigate to directories, but have no way to open up xterms for commands 
> > when they get there?
> > 
Pete Sahm <sahm dreamscape com>

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